South Sudan's Journey to Nationhood: The People: Portraits and Interviews: 01_ADIO

Micah Sawaka MukhtarAdio (Makaraka){quote}People call us Makaraka, but that Makaraka is a nickname.  The actual name is Adio.  We are originally from Congo; there is a place called Adio Island.  This name, Makaraka, came from when we entered Sudan (hundreds of years ago)…We speak almost the same language as the Azande.{quote}

Micah Sawaka Mukhtar 


Adio (Makaraka) 

"People call us Makaraka, but that Makaraka is a nickname. The actual name is Adio. We are originally from Congo; there is a place called Adio Island. This name, Makaraka, came from when we entered Sudan (hundreds of years ago)…We speak almost the same language as the Azande."